Dairy Nutrition

From previously being the manager of one of the largest dairy farms in western Canada, our dairy farming economic expert and dairy management consultants have extensive experience within the dairy industry. We work directly with farmers and provide a custom personalized approach to your nutrition needs that will increase your herd's productivity and your bottom line.


We Provide You With:

  • Management & economic consulting.
  • Forage analysis to formulate custom rations.
  • Nutrition consultants that work closely with Agronomy consultants to provide the best quality forages to balance diets and improve performance and economics.
  • Strong relations with world-class feed manufacturers to provide a high-quality diverse line of products and ingredients.


Help Your Herd Thrive:

  • A focus on the economics of the farm by looking at return over feed cost and heifer raising cost. Proving this information to our producers allows them to make important business decisions resulting in higher profits.
  • Our strong relationships with local vets and other dairy service providers which can be used to improve our client’s operations.
  • Unique solutions from organic dairy nutrition, complete feeds, robot pellets as well as low inclusion premixes and ingredients.

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