Many decisions go into herd management. Let’s look into nutrition for cattle once the grass turns green.
Prior to turning cattle onto new land, we want to ensure the grass is 5 -6 inches tall. This allows grass to establish a strong root that can withstand cattle tugging and pulling on it. Overgrazing inhibits growth in grass. Rotational grazing is the best to give grass a chance for recovery. By removing cattle from grass at 2 to 3 inches tall the grass has enough leaf material left that photosynthesis can occur. 6 weeks of recovery gives the grass time to grow back and replenish the nutrients. Spreading out Minerals, salt, and water resources is another way to mitigate grass overgrazing. Placing resources far apart encourages cattle to move to areas of pasture they may not enjoy grazing.
A high Magnesium mineral is ideal for spring and early summer pasture grazing. High water content in young and growing grass means Magnesium is not as concentrated as it would be in mature dry grass. Low Magnesium can result in grass Tetany, which is a stiffing and soreness in the body that can result in a down cow. Our Heartland Feeds Beef Breeder is a high Magnesium mineral. Performax weatherized free choice mineral contains high levels of Magnesium as well. A weatherized proprietary coating on the mineral increases the particle size and allows moisture to wick off preventing hard caking and oxidization of the mineral making it more palatable.
Low moisture tubs formulated for controlled consumption are a convenient, free-choice method of supplementing your cattle on pasture, with the added benefit of reduced waste and minimal weather deterioration. Lick tubs can also be used to extend grazing periods by supplementing lacking nutrients and the ability to move the tubs to undesirable grazing areas promoting utilization the entire pasture.
Key-lix has 2 great options for pasture grazing. The Key-Lix 20% Protein Tub contains 20% protein as well as vitamins and minerals required for good quality grass or feeding. The 30% Cattleman’s Tub is designed for poor-quality pastures and forages. End-of-season tall grass, slough pastures, and low-energy grasses are all great for the 30% protein level.
These low-moisture cattle tubs do not contain salt. A Salt block with trace minerals can be great extra insurance that your cattle have all their requirements met. Iodine and Zinc are minerals to consider for the summer months because they aid in the prevention of Pinkeye and Foot Rot. Our ULTRA TM 120 with Garlic guard is a great option to combine required trace minerals with the benefit of garlic.
Feeding Garlic to livestock has many benefits along with fly control. Garlic additives take approximately 60 days for the garlic compounds to reach a potency in the host to deter flies and prevent biting. Reducing flies can help decrease incidences of dermal diseases such as pink eye, and chances of contracting diseases from biting flies, and help your herd retain the nutrients they require by reducing the amount of horn flies sucking their blood.